Nedkladdat i anteckningsblock de senaste dagarna...

My Saviour, My God!

Fader, jag är Din...

Tack för Din kärlek! Tack för att du aldrig gav/ger upp, för att du tog mig från tvivel, fångenskap & smärta in i Din kärlek, frihet & frid!

Is 55:12 "You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands."


You are my joy! My all in all!


Korset, Lammet - tronen, Konungen


Jag tillber Dig, jag beundrar Dig för den Du är - för att Du är!

Din kärlek är sann, äkta, ren, hel, helig, varm...

Din kärleksfulla famn är mitt hem, där är jag trygg, där läker mina sår, där helas, renas & helgas jag.


Dina ögon brinner av en så djup kärlek att jag varken kan eller vill hålla mig över ytan, jag druknar i Din kärlek & vill aldrig andas världens luft igen. Du är ALLT jag behöver, begär och vill ha <3


The only living God almighty, Lord of all for eternity.


Faithfullness, Grace, Love...


You are <3 You are


You give times forever, I'm able to recieve a tiny bit of it - I give back all I am which is even smaller...


My God, my Father, my Love, my Life, my All, my Saviour, my Redeemer, my Streght, my Glory my Shield, my Deliverer, my Portion, my Shepherd, my Hope, my Forever, my Beloved, my Lover, my Friend, my Brother, my Helper, my Rock, my King, my Lamb, my Priest, my Promise, my Intersessor, my Fortress, my Lord, my Master, my Doctor, my Healer, my Teacher, my Creator, my Joy, my Peace, my Beauty, my Song, my Dance, my Grace, my Desire, my Rightiousness, my <3 ... You Are!

Let my song rise like insense to You and may it please You, may You enjoy it and smile over me for I live to serve You and bring You joy <3

"I live only to see Your face so shine on me"

Always Forever

I will ever praise You

You are all I need

Nothing compares to You

More than words can say...

More than ever before

"I am Your servant come to bring You glory as it's fit for the work of Your hands."

I've found where I belong! <3

"I know I'm filled to be emptied again, the seed I've reciever I will sow..."

"The enemy is under Your feet, we are free, we are free!"


Forever and always

OBS!! Also please check out this amazing song: By your side - Tenth Avenue North. It is true (as unbelievebly amazing as it may sound) and it's for you! <3

Over and out ;) Be blessed <3


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